Lifelines Scotland

When I might need some help

All of us need some help from time to time. On these pages you’ll find information to help you recognise and understand why you might be struggling, and advice on what you can do to feel better.

These resources and the tips should help whether your difficulties are a post traumatic injury or linked to other challenges you’re facing at home or at work. Please don’t struggle on alone.

Two female police staff talking

The only thing I regret is that I didn’t get help quicker. People are willing to listen. There is support out there. You can do it.  Honestly, it’s the best thing that you will do. It won’t disappear overnight, but you’ll be taking steps in the right direction. Please, if you need it, get help.

Police Scotland
St Andrews volunteers

"Don't over do it. And don't be frightened to reach out to people to discuss experiences because their experiences might help you but your experiences might also help them."

St Andrews First Aid

It was scary admitting that I had an issue I needed help with. It was the hardest conversation I’ve ever had. But as soon as my friend arrived at the door, I felt like the weight of the world had instantly been lifted off my shoulders. The funny thing is I already knew what I had to do, I just needed somebody to tell me that what I wanted to do was right and to be there to support me.

Scottish Ambulance Service
Two fire fighters after an incident

The single biggest thing that I have learned is to deal with is my own personal stigma. I am a person who, from time to time, suffers from mental ill health and there are ways to deal with it. It is treatable and a lot of that is self-help, being aware of yourself and using the right, positive coping strategies

Scottish Fire Service

Your service, your Lifelines

Visit the web pages of Lifelines Scotland Ambulance, Fire & Rescue, Police or Volunteer Responders for extra resources tailored to each service and more information about the specific help available from different organisations.
